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The Festival of Jewish culture and art in Jewish Autonomous Region will be held in time with the region anniversary

28 January, 2014

According to EAOmedia news agency, the XII International Festival of Jewish culture and art will take place in Jewish Autonomous Region from September 4 to 7 in time of the celebration of the 80-th anniversary of the region. During the festival some 40 various activities are planned, said the press-service department of the Governor and the Government of JAR to EAOmedia.

The activities will be held in regional philharmonic, at local Arbat street, Theatre Square, the square by the Palace of Culture or in the park of culturte and recreation where visiting and local artists will perform.

Creative teams - participants of the festival - will also present concerts to people living in settlements of the region. More than 20 performances are planned in municipal areas.

It is expected that at the stage of the regional Philharmonic the performance will be presented by the artists of Moscow Jewish Theatre "Shalom".

The organizers are not constrained by the frames of the intended activities and ready to consider any other proposals to adjust the festival programme to incorporate more pieces of traditional celebration of Jewish culture and art.

During the years of the festival organization JAR was visited by artists, composers, poets, painters, community and religious leaders, creative teams, theater groups from USA, Israel, Moldova, Ukraine, China and various cities of Russia.

The concert component of the festival is characterized by diversity of genres, styles, trends, musical performers ranging from classical to pop presentations. Yet something remains unchanged and binding - Jewish folk instruments, violin, clarinet, ensembles of klezmer and chamber music, vocal pieces in Yiddish and Hebrew, performances based on the works of Jewish writers.